12 Fun Ways to Explore a New You

mindset self-care Feb 17, 2024
Have you ever wondered what life have been like if you had stayed the same?  Imagine being that same 18-year-old, with the same partner, living in the same place, wearing the same clothes, with the same goals.  Would you feel like you are living your best life?
I'm not sure about you, but I am so glad my life has evolved since then.  I'm grateful that's where a lot of my dreams began and led me on the journey to where I am now but…if I still had those McDonald's arch eyebrows, black lipliner, and spending all my money at Forever 21, I think we would have some problems lol
There's beauty in evolving and changing as we age, but what once used to be easy to do can become a challenge when we get comfortable as adults.  We strive to hit certain milestones and then find ourselves wondering what's next.  Personal and professional growth requires a different level of intentionality to avoid feeling stagnant. 
At times, intentionality will produce a level of discomfort because it will require you to force your natural instinctual responses to submit to a new behavior.  In essence, there will be moments where you will be in a battle between who you have always known yourself to be versus the person you are striving to become.  But with every intentional action, you will find yourself getting closer to being the person you were designed to be.  
If you've been struggling with starting the process, here are 12 Practical Ways to Explore a different version of you:
  1. Explore new environments - try a new restaurant or area of town
  2. Learn a new language using resources like DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone
  3. Tap into your inner child - paint, “play outside”, try a D.I.Y project
  4. Move to a new city
  5. Join a social club to meet new people
  6. Commit to learning a new professional skill
  7. Read a book from a genre you do not typically gravitate to
  8. Rediscover your personal style - try a new wardrobe, makeup, or hairstyle
  9. Revisit your bucket list - and get a few of them scheduled for this year!
  10. Take a personality test and learn more about what you enjoy NOW (I'd highly recommend Clifton Strengths Top 5 to get you started)
  11. Pivot to a new career field or industry that allows you to use your transferrable skills
  12. Start a new workout routine by incorporating different types of exercise (Pilates, Yoga, HIIT, Zumba, Running Clubs, etc.)
Do not be afraid to reinvent yourself and let go of identities that no longer serve you.  We were designed to evolve and grow consistently. (Romans 12:2) Keep evolving my friend 💕

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