5 Ways to Tap Into Your Inner Peace

mindset self-care Jan 18, 2024
After months of unexplainable pain in my pelvic area, a series of tests, and several physician opinions, I was finally recommended for surgery for an oophorectomy (ovary removal) to remove one of two masses that were found.  However, as a newlywed, without children and the assumption that had "plenty of time" to have kids and do all of the things, the idea of having this type of surgery hit me like a ton of bricks.  The many thoughts and questions that flooded my mind came like rapid fire.  I remember that dreadful feeling after going to a doctor's appointment and waiting for a return call for my lab results.  It felt like I was waiting for an eternity.
I could not stop the constant thoughts and the rollercoaster of emotions that came during the waiting period.  Each doctor's visit would result in an intense Google search in hopes I could find my answers.   
Is it cancer?  
Am I going to be able to have children?
What about my husband - is he going to feel a way?
How is this recovery process going to go?
Am I chronically ill or will life be "normal" after surgery? 
Will the masses come back and I need to do this again?
What about my work life?
We've all felt it before… Those moments in life where you are patiently (or not) waiting for an answer to something that could potentially be life-changing.
Am I pregnant?  
Do I have cancer?  
Did I get/lose the job?  
Is the relationship over?  
Did he/she make it through the surgery?    
You’re sitting in what feels like an awful holding pattern - all while a) trying not to cuss somebody out because you want an answer now b) trying to keep it positive c) praying to stay sane or d) a little bit of all of the above.  
For some, it can be one of the most difficult mental spaces to be in.  While I was going through my health scare it was extremely difficult to muster the strength to carry on “business as usual” when it felt like my life was falling apart and I had zero control of what was happening.  My usual problem-solving hat was null and void during that season of my life.  It was a true faith walk.  However, amid my worrying, I was reminded that we were never designed to worry (Matthew 6:25-34).  We have been given the gift of peace (Phillippians 4:6-9).  
 but let’s be honest…we are human. We feel emotions and like this quote says, 
“Worry is the intruder that seeks to destroy us from within.”
Consequently, it is our responsibility to make a conscious and consistent effort to receive God's gift of peace.  But how do we do that effectively, while we wait for answers, right?
Here are a few practical ways that helped me tap into my inner peace that I hope can help you along your journey:
  1. Communicate & interact with God by praying
  2. Make a formal request to God by petitioning. In today‘s world, we submit petitions in writing so what better way to connect with God than by journaling?
  3. Express gratitude for your current situation (thanksgiving).  If you struggle with expressing gratitude, start small.  A simple “Thank you” can go a long way or Turn on your favorite gospel music and take a praise break.
  4. Focus your mind on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, or anything excellent or praiseworthy”…in other words focus your mind on the good & positive things happening in your life.  Creating a Win Wall or Vision Board with feel-good images can be helpful.  I created one on Canva and used it as my screensaver to serve as a reminder throughout the day.
  5. Then move on… The challenge with breaking the worry cycle is knowing how to disrupt the negative thinking loop.  Disrupt the thoughts by taking action on something positive (I.e. exercising, phoning a friend, watching a movie, etc).  For me, my support system, exercise, and Netflix were the best healthy distractions to help me keep my mind occupied with good things. 

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